• PA84, Pioneer® PA Series Analytical Balances

    Analytical balances are also designed for very precise measurements of very small samples, having a finer readability, a greater sensitivity to change, and an ability to detect smaller variations in mass., with a readability down to 0.1 mg. For acute measurements in labs, analytical balances are the right choice.

  • Ohaus Explorer Heavy Capacity Precision Balances

    Heavy capacity balances that are durable with .1 gram accuracy for working with heavy samples. Larger weighing pans provide a stable surface for the weighing of bulky items.

  • 90 Gram (g) Capacity, Moisture Analyzer

    Moisture Analyzers, sometimes called "moisture balances", provide a primary method for accurate moisture measurement by using the loss on drying (LOD) method. The balance periodically weighs the sample and when the test is completed, automatically calculates the moisture content (or solid content) of the initial sample.

  • Ohaus Scout SJX323N/E NTEP Portable Balance

    Portable balances are typically battery powered eliminating dependence on a main connection, while being lightweight for easy transport.

  • EX223/E, Explorer® Precision Balance

    Precision balances usually have a higher capacity than analytical balances and have more variety in body style and options, but they do not offer readabilities greater than three decimal places (typically delivering results of 0.1 g, 0.01 g or 1 mg).

  • Adam Equipment SOLIS Semi-Micro Balances

    Semi-Micro balances are designed for very precise measurements of very small samples, having a finer readability, a greater sensitivity to change, and an ability to detect smaller variations in mass, with a readability down to 0.01 mg.